As Postnatal Doulas we provide complete postpartum support and care for you and your family, however it is needed most. We tailor our dedicated assistance to your day to day needs, ensuring a smooth, nurtured transition to parenthood. The postnatal period is the start of a new era in your life. It is a special and rare time, a time to remember and treasure.
This period also places new demands on the birth parent when they need the opportunity to rest, recuperate and adjust to their new life situation.

A Postnatal doula might provide
- An opportunity to share your experience and your birth story
- Breastfeeding support
- General baby care ideas/assistance
- Emotional support and reassurance
- Signposting of information and evidence based research
- Taking care of the baby, giving you time out to rest or do other things
- Practical help with light housework and food preparation
- Care of siblings
The postnatal doula works in a flexible way to meet the changing needs of the whole family. The postnatal doula takes time to listen to the mother’s birth story, to offer positive suggestions, to support with the feeding and care of the newborn baby. They may also help out with siblings, prepare occasional meals and undertake other light household tasks.
The postnatal doula nurtures the birthing parent, enhancing their confidence and encouraging them to enjoy the precious early days with their new baby.
“I found the post-natal help from a doula to be really valuable. I wish I’d known about doulas with my first child. I was able to relax and have some down time. A new baby is a big responsibility and I needed some time off. This was especially important for me because I don’t have family nearby.
Having a doula also helped me to enjoy being a parent more, because I wasn’t always trying to take care of the baby and do other jobs at the same time. I could give the baby to the doula and then quickly and efficiently do many other things, such as groceries, making dinner, and even spending time with our older child.
My older child appreciated having some time alone with me. The new baby was a big adjustment for him and he asked for more time alone with me. It was nice to know he missed me! Having a doula allowed me to give him some undivided attention.
My husband is really glad we have a doula! He is very busy with work and often comes home exhausted – not really in the mood to play with a new baby, or do laundry or make dinner. Having a doula helped me stay on top of all these things and gave him a break too. I especially appreciated it that the doula could play with my older child as well as the baby. The older child felt like he was having a special visitor and really appreciated the adult attention. The doula was also great at pitching in with odd jobs around the house. She helped with laundry and cooking and even buying groceries sometimes. When the doula arrived, I often felt like I’d hit the bottom and was barely managing. By the time she left I’d sort of been picked up and dusted off, ready to go again. “